16 January 2011

My Thoughts

As a reader, you have probably caught on that my faith and marriage are two things I treasure above all else in life. I am so blessed to know an almighty God, and He has blessed me with an outstanding husband. That being said, I did not prepare myself for today.

I have been missing Andrew like crazy since he left- that's to be expected. My mom and sister came for the weekend to hang out with me and help keep my mind off of his big move. It was so nice to have them here, and I enjoyed every minute of it (a blog will follow shortly!). Among all of the fun things we did, attending church was on our list of things to do.

When I walked into the building today, it hit me just how MUCH I miss my husband. As I sat through the songs and fantastic message, my eyes were filled with tears. It's not that I just miss being with him each day, but I miss being able to share in worship with him.

Andrew and I love attending church and reading the Bible together. We make every effort we can to keep Christ as the head of our relationship. When we don't, we begin to realize it. We bicker a little more, we're not as content, things go wrong, etc. When we rely on God; however, things are just better in general.

I really wish that I could have shared today's worship with Andrew- we always come out stronger as a result of Sunday morning church. All through the service, I kept praying that God was blessing Andrew's heart as much as He was blessing mine. You see, I don't NEED Andrew to be with me to get something out of church, but it sure is nice to have him there to share it with.

Our director of education spoke about finding joy in life- even during tough times. It spoke straight to my heart, and I am determined to find joy every day while Andrew and I are apart (and afterwards!).

Today I found joy in my husband. It is incredible to see the impact he has on me- and I feel so blessed to know that I miss him most when I am spending time with our Lord. I know that God has incredible plans for us, and I know He holds us in His hands. I am blessed to have a husband who pushes me to a stronger relationship with my Lord and Savior- and I am so thankful that I have a husband who is the spiritual leader for our household.

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