22 January 2011

What a Hoot

A couple months ago, my crafty friend and I decided to trade services. She requested green flower magnets and a brooch in exchange for hand towels. At the time, I had just learned to make felt flowers, so I threw in one of those for a little surprise.

Here are her treats:

Since my request required so much more time and work (thanks, Jen!), I patiently waited until she had a chance to finish them. I opened the mailbox today and was very excited to see a package in the mail from my friend! I opened it immediately and couldn't believe my eyes. These hand embroidered towels are gorgeous and without a doubt perfect!

I am very excited about these new towels! My plan was to save them for our house in New York, but they are too cute to pack away until then. I couldn't be happier with how they turned out, and they are definitely something that I will appreciate for a long time.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jen!!! They are wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you like them. They look so cute in your kitchen!!!
