13 January 2011

Feeding Andrew: Part Two

When I posted the other day, I didn't realize that I was going to have more time to make and freeze more food to send with Andrew. When I realized that I still had cooking time left, I went to work again!

Here's what I was able to add:

A double batch of chili.

This gave him 4 containers to take to New York.

A double batch of beef & cabbage stew.

This gave him three large containers (& I mean large!) and one medium container.

Baked chicked & bacon with gravy.

Which gave him two full meals to take to New York.

And cranberry orange muffins. He was able to take 8 of these with him.

So, what does he have total?

2 pounds of granola
9 blueberry muffins
8 cranberry orange muffins
3 containers of chipped beef gravy
7 containers of sloppy joe meat
3 containers of summer medley
4 containers of chili (Nana Helen's recipe!!)
3 large containers of beef & cabbage stew
1 medium container of beef & cabbage stew
5 pieces of cornbread
2 containers of chicken with bacon and gravy

I am hopeful that he won't go hungry while in New York! It has made me feel so good that I've been able to prepare so much food for him.

He left this morning. Lots of tears were shed on my part- and he prayed over us several times. I am going to miss him like crazy, but I am SO proud of him and all that he's accomplished. I can't wait to join him in May, but until then, I'm incredibly thankful for technology!

1 comment:

  1. You are the Proverbs 31 woman! It's no wonder he's so crazy about you! Good job on taking care of your man. It blesses my soul to hear you say he prayed over you two. (I mean I'm in TEARS over it, girl!) We couldn't have hand picked a better man for you. God is so smart!

    I'm interested in hearing more about the chicken with bacon & gravy, and just what is chipped beef gravy and what do you use it for/on?

    I like your meals.. they are simple, easy to replicate, and so very tasty!

    Love you,

